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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureZachary Foy

8 values of free expression: Individual self-fulfillment

Individual self-fulfillment grants citizens the right to be able to believe in whatever they want to believe. The government can't tell you, "you're wrong, stop believing that." I believe that Individual self-fulfillment is the most important thing because I think that is what people outside the U.S. think about us and why they want to come. I think that it is what truly makes America, America. There are multiple examples, one being about Einstein. Many people told him that he was crazy and that he should stop doing what he was doing, but he didn't and made life today a whole lot better. Just imagine all of the things that we might not have today that we take for granted if our government was able to tell you to stop believing whatever it is and you would have to comply.

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