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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureZachary Foy

Privacy & the internet

Technology is a wonderful thing that has allowed so many people around the world to connect and communicate and has allowed society to be able to do so much more. Like all things, technology isn't perfect and has it's bad side too. A word that gets passed around a

lot when talking about internet privacy is consent. There are many things that people aren't happy about because big companies like Facebook or Google are doing things like collecting people's data and selling it to 3rd parties such as advertising agencies. All of this without the consent of the user. It doesn't end there either. Not only is what you post on social media being sold to the 3rd party sites, but also the contents of your emails too. Also, technology gives people a screen to hide behind breeding a new kind of threats known as cyber bullying. It is also known as digital domestic violence as coined by Derieth Chisolm in a TedTalk.

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