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  • Writer's pictureZachary Foy


Updated: May 1, 2019 is a website that was founded in 2013 which will change the way we get things done in the workplace.

Slack is a "collaboration hub" which has different channels that are used for different conversations, topics departments, etc.

Anna Pickard, the Creative Director at Slack, says "By creating a channel for, say, the marketing team, we know that all the conversations that are relevant to the whole team can occur in that one logical place — and anyone who is out of the office or asleep at the time can catch up on what everyone else is working on, and anyone starting in two weeks (or two months, or two years) can quickly get up to speed on what the goals and metrics and important cultural themes of the team might be."

Slack also has tools that people use everyday in the workplace like DropBox, Google Drive, etc. already integrated into it's interface. With this, information can flow much more smoothly and people can get work done more efficiently.

Besides just texting with each other in the channels, you can also call your fellow employees or even do a video call too.

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