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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureZachary Foy

My online footprint

Updated: Apr 10, 2019

I don't think I have that big of an online presence. I never really was into the whole "social media" thing. Not because I was afraid of companies taking my information, it just didn't interest me. I didn't feel like my life was interesting enough, I wouldn't know what to post if given the chance. I think social media can be a great platform, I just personally don't use it all that much.

I made a Facebook account when I was really young just because I wanted to play the games on the site and it also allowed me to login faster to some. I never really posted anything though, all I did was customize my profile a little bit by adding a picture of me and my cousins but that's it.

When I got older, you know, everybody had some kind of social media so I thought that I would at least give it a chance so I made an Instagram account and posted a few random things but it didn't do anything for me so I stopped.

Today, all I use pretty much daily, is Snapchat. I use it to talk to my friends and document the funny things that happen every once and a while. I didn't really start using it until I got into college because I have a lot more friends now and Snapchat was just the easiest way for us to talk with each other. You can't look anything up per say on Snapchat though because it's not like other social media platforms in that way where everything lasts forever. I can save stuff in my "memories" but only I can see that. I can also post things to my story but people can only view it once.

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